Meet The Chef
Charlene Sadjoeri

Never in my entire life had I thought I’d be making a living of my cooking. It’s always been very easy to access all the dishes when still living in Suriname. In 2012 I moved to New York when I started my life and chapter with my husband. With a small Surinamese community and no place to get any of those authentic dishes, my husband and I started cooking them ourselves. With a lot of trying and mistakes, I discovered out my passion in cooking. With a very picky husband and also my Guinea Pig for all my try outs, I have ultimately acquired those authentic flavors that a lot of you might be familiar with.
In 2019 we decided to try out as one of the vendors for the annual Suriname Day in Queens New York. The feedback and turnout was amazing that we have decided to pursue this wild journey a bit more. Being born and raised in Suriname, I consider myself very lucky and fortunate to be part of such a diverse melting pot of so many different cultures. From Asian and African influences with a Caribbean twist, our dishes are packed with flavors that will bring happiness to your taste buds. Proudly representing Our Surinamese cultures and heritage, we have worked hard to bring the Authenticity of all those familiar Surinamese dishes to your table. I am very grateful to God to have given me this opportunity in life and to those who have believed in me from the beginning. They say that “Food brings people together”, and I truly believe in that and hope I can bring as many people together with my foods and enjoy the amazing dishes we have inherited.
Eat Well and Live Happy,
Charlene Sadjoeri